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Creative Banter's Illustration

Take a look at the illustration journey Creative Banter has taken. From family artwork to portraits with JEsus.


Capturing love in a piece of art, there is nothing better! Whether it's illustrating a wedding photo, recreating a proposal, or illustrating a family photo... I love illustrating precious moments. 


My faith is a massive part of my life. I created a series of illustrations to represent my relationship with Jesus. 


Jesus comforts me in times of trouble, He surprises me daily. He helps me through life and these illustrations are a daily reminder that He is always near.


Recognising that our mental health has been a taboo topic for a while, I have created illustrations to raise awarness.


Growing up watching disney princesses with their cartoon perfect figures and straight flowing hair, I was conditioned to believe that beauty comes in one shape and size.


I created this illustration to remind myself that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. After posting this on social media, other females reached out to me to ask if I can illustrate them in the photo. 

Famous Faces

Here's a few faces you may recognise.

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